
Grading Color Accurately in a Mounting (14.01)

Grading color in mounted diamonds is very challenging.

Grading Color Accurately in a Mounting (14.01)

Grading color in mounted diamonds is very challenging.

Within Three Color Grades (14.02)

Grading color in mounted diamonds is very challenging.

Within Three Color Grades (14.02)

Grading color in mounted diamonds is very challenging.

Emerald Cut Estimation (11.16)

Emerald cut diamond estimation.

Emerald Cut Estimation (11.16)

Emerald cut diamond estimation.

Oval Weight Estimation (11.19)

Estimating the weight of the oval brilliant diamond.

Oval Weight Estimation (11.19)

Estimating the weight of the oval brilliant diamond.

Heart Shape Weight Estimation (11.20)

Heart Shape Estimation (11.20)Heart Shape Formula: Length x Width x Depth x .0059 x GTA x Shape AdjustmentAgain, like the oval an LWA is not employed.#1 Example of formula in...

Heart Shape Weight Estimation (11.20)

Heart Shape Estimation (11.20)Heart Shape Formula: Length x Width x Depth x .0059 x GTA x Shape AdjustmentAgain, like the oval an LWA is not employed.#1 Example of formula in...

The Pavilion Main Method 5.14

The Pavilion Main Method (5.14)The Pavilion Main Method is another effective way to estimate crown angles without the use of instruments. The elongated kite-shaped “pavilion main” can be viewed through...

The Pavilion Main Method 5.14

The Pavilion Main Method (5.14)The Pavilion Main Method is another effective way to estimate crown angles without the use of instruments. The elongated kite-shaped “pavilion main” can be viewed through...