
GIA/GTL Master Stone Requirements (7.12)

GIA/GTL Master Stone Requirements (7.12)GTL will not accept anything less than a .25 carat. A .33 carat would be better and a .40+ carat would be optimum. Even though a...

GIA/GTL Master Stone Requirements (7.12)

GIA/GTL Master Stone Requirements (7.12)GTL will not accept anything less than a .25 carat. A .33 carat would be better and a .40+ carat would be optimum. Even though a...

Choosing Master Stones (7.11)

Choosing Master Stones (7.11)We can select our own diamonds to send to GIA for a master stone report. It’s important to understand that specific requirements have to be met before GIA...

Choosing Master Stones (7.11)

Choosing Master Stones (7.11)We can select our own diamonds to send to GIA for a master stone report. It’s important to understand that specific requirements have to be met before GIA...

Master Stones (7.10)

Master Stones (7.10)GIA’s Gem Trade Laboratory (GTL), has collected sets of diamonds for the purpose of defining the color grading system. These sets are complete including the very highest grade...

Master Stones (7.10)

Master Stones (7.10)GIA’s Gem Trade Laboratory (GTL), has collected sets of diamonds for the purpose of defining the color grading system. These sets are complete including the very highest grade...

GIA Color Grading Scale (7.09)

GIA Color Grading Scale (7.09)Just as for carat weight, a standard of grading color became accepted throughout much of the world. The system this course recommends and teaches is the...

GIA Color Grading Scale (7.09)

GIA Color Grading Scale (7.09)Just as for carat weight, a standard of grading color became accepted throughout much of the world. The system this course recommends and teaches is the...

Early Diamond History (1.01)

Origin of the word diamond. It was believed diamond could not be damaged. Large diamonds were worn as badges of rank. It is thought that the first diamonds were found in India...

Early Diamond History (1.01)

Origin of the word diamond. It was believed diamond could not be damaged. Large diamonds were worn as badges of rank. It is thought that the first diamonds were found in India...

Section 2: Diamond Location and Mining

Locating diamond bearing sites comes before mining the sites. This could come from primary deposits in kimberlite or lamproite pipes or secondary deposits such as alluvial. Technology also plays a...

Section 2: Diamond Location and Mining

Locating diamond bearing sites comes before mining the sites. This could come from primary deposits in kimberlite or lamproite pipes or secondary deposits such as alluvial. Technology also plays a...