
Origin of Color Report (7.39)

Origin of Color Report (7.39)It is entirely possible for someone to gain the knowledge and expertise and to buy the necessary instruments, in order to analyze and distinguish irradiated and...

Origin of Color Report (7.39)

Origin of Color Report (7.39)It is entirely possible for someone to gain the knowledge and expertise and to buy the necessary instruments, in order to analyze and distinguish irradiated and...

Number of Masters (7.13)

Number of Masters (7.13)The number of masters in your set will depend on your needs and perhaps your budget. It’s a good idea to begin by spreading them out, collecting...

Number of Masters (7.13)

Number of Masters (7.13)The number of masters in your set will depend on your needs and perhaps your budget. It’s a good idea to begin by spreading them out, collecting...

Assigning a Clarity Grade (6.44)

Assigning a Clarity Grade (6.44)Without a doubt, clarity grading is going to be the greatest challenge in your diamond business. There aren’t any cut and dry methods that will make...

Assigning a Clarity Grade (6.44)

Assigning a Clarity Grade (6.44)Without a doubt, clarity grading is going to be the greatest challenge in your diamond business. There aren’t any cut and dry methods that will make...

Color by Definition (7.01)

Color by Definition (7.01)What is color? By definition, it is a phenomenon of light or visual perception by which one can distinguish between otherwise identical objects. Of course this is...

Color by Definition (7.01)

Color by Definition (7.01)What is color? By definition, it is a phenomenon of light or visual perception by which one can distinguish between otherwise identical objects. Of course this is...

Study Questions for Section 6

Study Questions for Section 6Instructions: Finish answering all the questions before proceeding to the next section. Simply circle the correct response letter in these multiple choice questions.Section 66.01#1 When using...

Study Questions for Section 6

Study Questions for Section 6Instructions: Finish answering all the questions before proceeding to the next section. Simply circle the correct response letter in these multiple choice questions.Section 66.01#1 When using...

Clarity Grade Definitions (6.50)

Clarity Grade Definitions (6.50)Remember that clarity grading is not an exact science and remains somewhat . Naturally with experience, you will become more comfortable in grading clarity with confidence. Each...

Clarity Grade Definitions (6.50)

Clarity Grade Definitions (6.50)Remember that clarity grading is not an exact science and remains somewhat . Naturally with experience, you will become more comfortable in grading clarity with confidence. Each...