Study Questions for Section 7
Instructions: Finish answering all the questions before proceeding to the next section. Please do not peek at the answers in the back of your course until you have completed the study test for these sections. Simply circle the correct response letter in these multiple choice questions.
Section 7
#1 The general rule in diamond color grading is the less color the more valuable the stone.
A. True
B. False
#1 White light is a balance of black and blue spectral colors.
A. True
B. False
#2 An object will absorb the color that it displays within white light and reflect other parts of the spectrum back to your eyes.
A. True
B. False
#3 A yellow diamond reflects which color(s) back to your eyes.
A. Yellow.
B. Red, orange, green, blue and violet.
C. Black and blue.
#1 Hue, tone and saturation are especially important when dealing with fancy colors.
A. True
B. False
#1 Hue is…
A. saturation without gray in it.
B. an individual spectral color.
C. the amount of darkness in an individual spectral color.
#2 Hues are especially important when dealing with near colorless diamonds.
A. True
B. False
#1 Saturation is the strength of the…
A. tone.
B. hue.
C. blue and spectral colors.
#2 The hue does not change if ______ added.
A. more saturation is
B. another color is
C. all the spectral colors are
#3 Which of the following would possess the strongest saturation of yellow.
A. An intense fancy yellow.
C. A light fancy yellow.
#1 Tone is…
A. the saturation level of the hue.
B. the presence of all the spectral colors.
C. the darkness of the color.
#2 A vivid fancy yellow has…
A. light tone and high saturation.
B. dark tone and high saturation.
C. negligible tone and high saturation.
#3 Tone and saturation are very similar.
A. True
B. False
#4 The best one word description for tone is…
A. saturation.
B. purity.
C. shade.
#5 If it was possible to add a touch of gray to an intense fancy yellow how would it affect the saturation and the tone?
A. Higher saturation and darker tone.
B. Less saturation and the same or darker tone.
C. Less saturation and less tone.
Study Questions for Section 7
Instructions: Finish answering all the questions before proceeding to the next section. Please do not peek at the answers in the back of your course until you have completed the study test for these sections. Simply circle the correct response letter in these multiple choice questions.
Section 7
#1 The general rule in diamond color grading is the less color the more valuable the stone.
A. True
B. False
#1 White light is a balance of black and blue spectral colors.
A. True
B. False
#2 An object will absorb the color that it displays within white light and reflect other parts of the spectrum back to your eyes.
A. True
B. False
#3 A yellow diamond reflects which color(s) back to your eyes.
A. Yellow.
B. Red, orange, green, blue and violet.
C. Black and blue.
#1 Hue, tone and saturation are especially important when dealing with fancy colors.
A. True
B. False
#1 Hue is…
A. saturation without gray in it.
B. an individual spectral color.
C. the amount of darkness in an individual spectral color.
#2 Hues are especially important when dealing with near colorless diamonds.
A. True
B. False
#1 Saturation is the strength of the…
A. tone.
B. hue.
C. blue and spectral colors.
#2 The hue does not change if ______ added.
A. more saturation is
B. another color is
C. all the spectral colors are
#3 Which of the following would possess the strongest saturation of yellow.
A. An intense fancy yellow.
C. A light fancy yellow.
#1 Tone is…
A. the saturation level of the hue.
B. the presence of all the spectral colors.
C. the darkness of the color.
#2 A vivid fancy yellow has…
A. light tone and high saturation.
B. dark tone and high saturation.
C. negligible tone and high saturation.
#3 Tone and saturation are very similar.
A. True
B. False
#4 The best one word description for tone is…
A. saturation.
B. purity.
C. shade.
#5 If it was possible to add a touch of gray to an intense fancy yellow how would it affect the saturation and the tone?
A. Higher saturation and darker tone.
B. Less saturation and the same or darker tone.
C. Less saturation and less tone.
#1 The most important factor in what determines a diamond’s color is the…
A. types of visible crystals.
B. atomic structure.
C. proportions.
#2 A diamond in its purest form could still have a tint of yellow.
A. True
B. False
#3 It is the presence of nitrogen in diamond that causes…
A. yellow.
B. blue.
C. colorlessness.
#4 Nitrogen absorbs…
A. the blue and violet end of the spectrum.
B. the red and yellow end of the spectrum.
C. white light.
#5 When boron is present in the atomic structure of a diamond it causes…
A. the yellow to reflect back to your eyes.
B. white light to reflect back to your eyes.
C. blue to reflect back to your eyes.
#6 Boron would absorb the blue part of the spectrum.
A. True
B. False
#7 Natural green diamonds are caused by the exposure of radiation, causing defects in the crystal lattice.
A. True
B. False
#1 When the skin of rough diamond is removed it can improve the color.
A. True
B. False
#2 As a rough diamond is diminished in size during the cutting process the color will never change.
A. True
B. False
#1 The GIA color grading scale begins with…
A. A
B. C
C. none of the above.
#2 The individual GIA color grades are actually a ______ on the scale.
A. point
B. range
C. circle
#3 When a dealer describes a diamond as a high “H” almost a “G”, could this be possible in the GIA color grading system?
A. Yes
B. No
#4 The AGS color grading system starts with a…
A. A
B. 1
C. 0
#5 All the other recognized worldwide color grading systems correlate with the GIA system using similar ranges and the same number of ranges.
A. True
B. False
#1 A GIA master stone is the ______ in its assigned grade.
A. lightest
B. darkest
C. best proportioned
#2 If a diamond being compared to a GIA master “H” is ever so slightly lighter it would be…
A. an “I” color.
B. the same color.
C. a “G” color.
#1 It s not acceptable to choose and send in your own diamond for a GIA master stone report.
A. True
B. False
#1 The minimum weight requirement for a GIA master stone is…
A. 0.20
B. 0.25
C. 0.33
#2 Which of the following characteristics would be the most desirable for a GIA master stone?
A. 0.40, 12% crown, 43% pavilion, SI1, modern cut, thin to medium girdle, faint fluorescence
B. 0.40, 12% crown, 45% pavilion, SI1, modern cut, thin to medium girdle, no fluorescence
C. 0.40, 12% crown, 43% pavilion, SI2, modern cut, thin to medium girdle, no fluorescence
#1 It would be most advantageous to start with the master stone colors…
A. D, E and F.
B. E, G and I.
C. E, F and G.
#1 When arranging master stones the highest color should go…
A. in the center.
B. on the right.
C. on the left.
#1 If grading fancy colors a valuable master stone addition would be a…
A. 2.00 ct. intense fancy yellow.
B. a “Z” color.
C. an “M” color.
#1 CZ master stones are just as effective as diamond master stones.
A. True
B. False
#1 In choosing a color grading environment which of the following would be the most desirable?
A. Direct sunlight with neutral colored surroundings.
B. Indirect sunlight with neutral colored surroundings.
C. Dim light.
#1 Which of the following would be the most important in color grading?
A. Direct sunlight.
B. Mental alertness.
C. A reflective color grading tray.
#2 Which of the following characteristics ideally should be found in a color grading tray?
A. Bright white and reflective.
B. Non-reflective and non-fluorescent.
C. Fluorescent and off white.
#1 The first step in color grading is…
A. checking for fluorescence.
B. checking the clarity.
C. cleaning the diamond.
#1 Color blindness is much more common in males.
A. True
B. False
#1 In regard to color deviation in the human eye, the diamond to the left will generally appear…
A. slightly lighter.
B. slightly darker.
C. more refractive.
#2 If the subject diamond to the master stone’s right is slightly darker than the subject diamond is likely…
A. a better color.
B. a lower color.
C. a match to the master stone.
#1 Brown diamonds can face up whiter than their similarly colored, yellow counterparts.
A. True
B. False
# In color grading the first diamond position should be…
A. parallel to the girdle plane.
B. perpendicular to the table.
C. perpendicular to the pavilion.
#2 A marquis cut diamond can look more yellow from the crown than from the pavilion.
A. True
B. False
#3 In color grading the second diamond position should be…
A. parallel to the girdle plane.
B. parallel to the table.
C. perpendicular to the pavilion.
#1 A colorimeter is always 100% accurate in the color grading process.
A. True
B. False
#1 In determining the final value of a fancy color diamond the buyer must…
A. scrutinize the GIA origin of color report.
B. judge the diamond before his (or her) eyes after looking at the gem lab report.
C. use a master stone regardless of the GIA color origin report.
#1 Which of the following diamonds would be the most valuable given the same weight, clarity and proportions?
A. Fancy yellow.
B. Dark fancy brown.
C. Dark fancy gray.
#2 Which of the following diamonds would be the most valuable given the same weight, clarity and proportions?
A. Intense fancy yellow.
B. Vivid fancy yellow.
C. Cognac brown.
#1 Which of the following would be the least valuable given the same weight, clarity and proportions?
A. Light brown.
B. Light yellow.
C. Light fancy yellow.
#2 Which of the following would a “cognac” describe the best?
A. Intense orange.
B. Orangish-brown.
C. Light brown.
#3 TLB is the abbreviation for…
A. Top light brown.
B. Tone-like brown.
C. Total light brown.
#4 The closest yellow counterpart to a TTLB is…
A. L-M
B. I-J
C. H-I
#1 In the process of valuating a represented fancy color diamond the most important evidence to support its authenticity of color is…
A. an appraisal by the dealer who sold the diamond originally.
B. an independent, reputable gem lab “origin of color report”.
C. the seller’s word.
#2 The difference in value between a 3.00 carat vivid fancy yellow and a similar diamond that has been irradiated would be…
A. slight.
B. exactly the same.
C. substantial.
#1 Irradiated diamonds should always be referred to as fancy colors as long as they are dark enough to fall into that category.
A. True
B. False
#1 The purpose of irradiation is to…
A. lighten an off color diamond.
B. improve clarity.
C. intensify and/or change the original natural color of a diamond.
#1 The first method of irradiation was the ______ in the early 1940s.
A. cyclotron
B. nuclear reactor method
C. Van de Graff generator method
#2 In using the cyclotron method identification was easier by placing the diamond in question in methylene iodide which exposed…
A. a concentration of color at the entry area of the particle beam.
B. an obvious presence of metallic inclusions around the entry of the particle beam.
C. a favorable consistent saturation level throughout the diamond.
#1 The main advantage of the nuclear reactor method of irradiation was…
A. its ability to choose color.
B. capacity.
C. its difficulty of identification.
#2 The nuclear reactor method allowed more consistent color over the cyclotron method.
A. True
B. False
#3 The nuclear reactor method was much more expensive to operate over the cyclotron method.
A. True
B. False
#1 The Van de Graff irradiation method would typically turn yellow or brown diamonds into…
A. blue.
B. bluish-green, greenish-blue.
C. intense yellow.
D. none of the above.
#2 A natural blue diamond can be checked by electrical conductivity due to the presence of…
A. nitrogen.
B. metallic inclusions.
C. boron.
D. none of the above.
#1 Which of the following irradiation methods leaves a radioactive residue on the diamond.
A. The cyclotron method.
B. The nuclear reactor method.
C. The Van de Graff generator method.
D. None of the above.
#1 Irradiated green diamonds have surfaced in the past which have been exposed to Americium-241. These are detected with…
A. methylene iodide.
B. a Geiger counter.
C. a rare earth magnet.
D. all of the above.
#1 An irradiated diamond should be valuated by its…
A. comparison to an off color diamond plus irradiation cost and appeal.
B. comparison of a natural color counterpart.
C. comparison to a colorless diamond of similar clarity.
D. all of the above.
#1 Which of the following would be the most valuable diamond given the same weights, clarities and proportions?
A. A very dark yellow with a tint of brown.
B. A medium dark yellow (fancy).
C. A light fancy yellow.
#2 As the tone becomes darker the hue’s saturation will always increase.
A. True
B. False
#1 Regarding fancy color diamonds, two very similar lab reports will always indicate two very similar diamonds when put side by side.
A. True
B. False
#1 The most important of the following reasons for an “Origin of Color Report” is to…
A. identify the clarity along with the color.
B. identify the impurity causing the color.
C. identify the authenticity of natural color.
#1 A Bellataire (Pegasus) diamond has undergone treatment to…
A. add brilliance.
B. improve the clarity.
C. lighten or change the color.
#2 Bellataire (Pegasus) diamonds are laser inscribed on the girdle with GE POL which is an abbreviation for…
A. General Electric Pegasus Optimum Lightening
B. General Electric Pegasus Overseas Limited
C. General Electric Pegasus Organization Limited
#3 HPHT is an abbreviation for…
A. high productivity high temperature.
B. high polarization high temperature.
C. high pressure high temperature.
#4 Pegasus is a joint venture made up of General Electric and…
A. Lazare Kaplan, Inc.
B. Tiffany & Co.
C. DeBeers Consolidated, Ltd.
D. all of the above
#1 Fluorescence is the energy produced due to the reaction of ______ when exposed to incidental light.
A. atoms
B. radiation
C. boron
#2 The glow-like effect of fluorescence can be observed when the diamond is exposed to…
A. sunlight
B. some artificial lights.
C. long wave ultraviolet light.
D. all of the above.
#3 The most common color in fluorescence variety is…
A. yellow.
B. blue.
C. green.
#4 A strong blue fluorescent diamond under direct sunlight will many times cause…
A. more dispersion in the blue range.
B. a hazy effect.
C. a reflection of short wave ultraviolet light.
#1 A strong blue fluorescent diamond will usually give the illusion of a ______ color when there is a presence of yellow.
A. higher
B. lower
C. fancy