Study Questions for Section 5
Instructions: Finish answering all the questions before proceeding to the next section. Please do not peek at the answers in the back of your course until you have completed the study test for these sections. Simply circle the correct response letter in these multiple choice questions.
Section 5
#1 Given the same sizes, color and clarity which of the following elements would help produce maximum beauty in a diamond?
A. Maximum diameter
B. Maximum depth
C. Ideal proportions
#2 The “make” of a diamond is the same as…
A. the proportions.
B. the shape.
C. the cutting shop who inscribes it.
#3 The “make” of the diamond determines how it handles…
A. the color.
B. the clarity.
C. the light.
#4 Pick out the three key components that the “make” of the diamond relates to.
A. Brilliance
B. Color
C. Clarity
D. Carat weight
E. Dispersion
F. Scintillation
G. Polish
#5 Which of the following characteristics would be most likely to have a negative effect on the brilliance in a well proportioned diamond?
A. K-L color (yellow tint)
B. I2-I3 clarity (imperfect)
C. Faint fluorescence
#6 Which of the following characteristics would be most likely to have a negative effect on the brilliance in a well proportioned diamond?
A. SI1 clarity (100% eye-clean)
B. SI2 with faint clouds
C. Dark fancy brownish-orange
#7 Brilliance refers to…
A. intensity of white light reflections.
B. intensity of spectral colors.
C. intensity of light movement.
#8 Dispersion refers to…
A. the display of reflective white light.
B. the display of spectral colors.
C. the movement of reflected light.
#1 The term “brilliant cut” can also apply to which of the following?
A. Pear shape and marquis cut
B. Baguette and emerald cut
C. None of the above
#2 What distinguishes a step cut from a brilliant cut are the lack of vertical upper/lower girdle facets and star facets.
A. True
B. False
#1 The concept of designing the modern cut was to formulate…
A. maximum weight retention in the cutting process.
B. an angle, depth and table percentage relationship.
C. maximum diameter for a larger appearance.
#2 What is transmitted light?
A. It is refracted light.
B. It is reflected light
C. It is entering light.
#1 What is refraction?
A. The reflection of light.
B. The movement of light.
C. The bending of light.
#2 Diamond’s refractive index is…
A. 2.417
B. 2.157
C. 1.867
#3 Diamond’s refractive index is considered…
A. average.
B. low.
C. high.
#4 What else is light doing when it refracts?
A. It increases in speed.
B. It decreases in speed.
C. It remains at a constant speed regardless of the material.
#1 Diamond is…
A. singly refractive.
B. doubly refractive.
C. unevenly refractive.
#2 A popular doubly refractive diamond imitation is…
A. cubic zirconia
B. moissanite
C. glass
#3 As light enters diamond and refraction occurs, each spectral color …
A. travels at the same speed.
B. travels at the same slower speed.
C. travels at a different speed.
#1 When a light beam hits a diamond’s surface at 22 degrees it reflects away from the surface at…
A. 90 degrees.
B. 45 degrees.
C. 22 degrees.
#2 The angle of incidence equals the angle of…
A. refraction.
B. reflection.
C. the pavilion facets.
#1 Transmitted light is the same as…
A. reflected light.
B. refracted light.
C. entering light.
#2 The slighter the angle of incidence the more likely thelight will…
A. reflect off the surface of the diamond.
B. enter the diamond.
C. refract in the diamond.
#3 Since light is traveling in many different directions simultaneously, the necessary amount to make a well cut diamond come to life is…
A. very little.
B. substantial.
C. direct sunlight.
#1 Part of the design of the modern ideal round brilliant was to eliminate the light’s…
A. ultraviolet properties.
B. escape routes.
C. speed.
#2 The imaginary 24.5 degree cone inside the diamond is the…
A. reflected light allowed to enter.
B. escape route.
C. necessary angle for reflection.
#3 The critical angle is…
A. 40.75 degrees
B. 34.50 degrees
C. 24.50 degrees
#4 Light must reflect ________ of the internal critical angle or it will escape.
A. outside
B. inside
C. parallel
#5 The crown angles on the modern ideal cut were designed to allow…
A. light containment.
B. an escape route for the light.
C. light reflection.
#1 The original ideal pavilion angle is…
A. 40.75 degrees
B. 42.75 degrees
C. 24.50 degrees
#2 The reason for the specific pavilion angle is to allow light….
A. escape.
B. containment.
C. refraction.
#3 When pavilion angles are too steep what happens to the light?
A. It immediately escapes through the bottom.
B. It reflects to the opposite side and then escapes.
C. It reflects off both sides and exits through the crown.
#4 An obvious indication of a deep pavilion is…
A. more reflection from the bottom.
B. more refraction from the bottom.
C. a dark center.
#5 When pavilion angles are too flat what happens to the light?
A. It reflects off both sides and exits through the crown.
B. It immediately escapes through the bottom.
C. It reflects to the opposite side and then escapes.
#6 An obvious indication of a deep pavilion is a…
A. dark center.
B. fish-eye center.
C. brilliant center.
#7 Light leaks through a flat pavilion because…
A. the angle of incidence falls outside of the 24.5 degree cone.
B. the angle of incidence falls inside of the 24.5 degree cone.
C. the angle of incidence is less than 40.75 degrees.
#1 The original ideal crown angle is…
A. 34.50 degrees.
B. 40.74 degrees.
C. 24.50 degrees.
#2 In designing the crown angle one major consideration was _________ of the light.
A. maximum containment
B. an escape route
C. maximum refraction
#3 When crown angles are too steep they allow…
A. the escape of the light out of the diamond.
B. reflection of the light back into the diamond.
C. maximum angle of dispersion.
#4 When crown angles are cut too flat the light travel would lack…
A. diverse direction.
B. refraction.
C. reflectivity.
#5 The angle of dispersion is…
A. the variety of angles that the dispersion can be viewed from the crown of the diamond.
B. 34.5 degrees.
C. the amount of spectral movement within the diamond.
#6 The angle of dispersion is lessened by ________ angles.
A. 34.50 degree
B. 40.75 degree
C. flat or steep
#1 Crown angles that are unequal around the diamond could cause…
A. an off-center table.
B. an off-center culet.
C. an unusually large table.
#2 The crown angles are actually measured off of the…
A. pavilion angle.
B. girdle plane.
C. table plane.
#1 A proportionscope can check which two of the following characteristics?
A. Pavilion angles
B. Exact weight
C. Color
D. Crown angles
#1 Which of the following illustration is the closest to 34.50 degrees crown angles…
#1 The Pavilion Main Method is used to…
A. estimate pavilion angles.
B. estimate crown angles.
C. estimate weight.
#2 In the Pavilion Main Method what are you looking for?
A. The length of the pavilion main.
B. The distortion of the pavilion main image as it passes under the main crown facet.
C. The distortion of the pavilion main image under the table.
#3 In the Pavilion Main Method more distortion means…
A. higher pavilion angles.
B. flatter pavilion angles.
C. higher crown angles.
#4 In the Pavilion Main Method the distortion is caused by…
A. reflection.
B. Refraction.
C. high pavilion angles.
#1 40.75 degree pavilion angle is approximately the same as…
A. 41% pavilion depth.
B. 42% pavilion depth.
C. 43% pavilion depth.
#2 Which of the following two pavilion specifications would be considered flat?
A. 39 degrees
B. 40.75%
C. 43%
D. 42 degrees
#3 What is the most likely characteristic of a diamond when pavilion angles are not consistent?
A. An off center table.
B. An off center culet.
C. An off center crown.
#1 The pavilion depth measurement is taken from a…
A. parallel line measurement of the pavilion main facet.
B. perpendicular line measurement from the bottom of the girdle plane to the culet.
C. perpendicular line measurement from the table plane to the culet.
#2 Which of the following formulas would give you the correct pavilion depth percentage?
A. The pavilion depth measurement divided by the girdle diameter measurement.
B. The pavilion depth measurement divided by the overall depth measurement.
C. The pavilion depth measurement divided by the pavilion angles.
#1 The Table Reflection Method is used to…
A. estimate the pavilion depth/angle.
B. estimate the table.
C. estimate the crown depth/angle.
#2 In the Table Reflection Method the smaller the reflection the…
A. flatter the crown angles.
B. flatter the pavilion angles.
C. smaller the table size.
#3 In the Table Reflection Method the ideal reflection size is…
A. One-half the distance between the culet and the star facet junctions.
B. One-third the distance between the culet and the star facet junctions.
C. Three-fourths the distance between the culet and the star facet junctions.
#4 In the Table Reflection Method the diamond’s table is…
A. facing away from your loupe.
B. perpendicular to your loupe.
C. parallel to your loupe.
#5 Which of the following illustrations would indicate the closest ideal table reflection?
#1 In the Table Reflection Method what would a 50% reflection likely display?
A. Maximum brilliance and dispersion.
B. A very white center.
C. A very dark center.
#1 Why are deep pavilions dark in the center?
A. Loss of light through the bottom.
B. Lack of refraction.
C. Large culets.
#2 What common reasoning is there for leaving a pavilion deep by a cutter?
A. To avoid inclusions.
B. To maximize weight retention.
C. To improve brilliance.
#3 When considering a re-cut to improve the proportions of a diamond with a deep pavilion, select two of the following factors that might have an effect on the diameter.
A. Very steep crown angles
B. Very flat crown angles
C. A very small table
D. Inclusion removal
#4 Select the illustration that has a deep pavilion.
#1 Flat pavilion angles will cause…
A. a dead center.
B. a dispersive center.
C. a brilliant center.
#2 Which of the following would a large culet have an effect on?
A. Pavilion angle
B. Pavilion depth
C. Table reflection
#1 What is the purpose of the culet facet?
A. To protect the point from breaking.
B. To add additional reflectivity.
C. For esthetical appearances under 10x.
#2 Which of the following culet descriptions would have the most negative effect on a diamond?
A. Pointed or none.
B. Medium
C. Large
#3 Which of the following is the most common reason for culet damage?
A. Setting the diamond in a ring.
B. Rough handling by the cutter.
C. Steel tipped tweezers.
#4 The proper shape of a culet is…
A. square.
B. octagonal.
C. hexagonal.
#5 Abrasions on a culet are likely to have been caused by…
A. steel tipped tweezers.
B. the cutting process.
C. wear and tear in a ring.
#6 A large culet can never be detected with the naked eye.
A. True
B. False
#7 Which of the following factors are the most negative in regard to a large culet?
A. Escaping light.
B. Less refraction.
C. Flatter pavilion angles.
#8 Which of the following scenarios would likely cause the most weight loss in a re-cut?
A. A large culet with slightly steep pavilion angles.
B. A large culet with slightly flat pavilion angles.
C. A large culet with ideal pavilion angles.
#1 The safest way to hold a diamond between the culet and the table is…
A. with steel tipped tweezers.
B. with rubber tipped tweezers.
C. gold-plated tipped tweezers.
#1 Pick out the set of correct fisheye components.
A. Flat pavilion angles, large culet (sometimes) and dark center.
B. Flat pavilion angles, large culet (sometimes) and girdle reflection inside table.
C. A large table, deep pavilion and girdle reflection inside table (sometimes).
#2 What causes the girdle reflection of a fisheye inside the table?
A. Due to the flat pavilion angle, the girdle image reflects off the table, displaying itself inside the table.
B. Light traveling through the table, then reflects through the girdle and back inside the perimeter of the table.
C. Light traveling through the girdle transmits its image reflection off the flat pavilion angles just inside the table.
#3 With a 62% table, the girdle reflection in a fisheye cannot occur if which of the following characteristics is missing?
A. A Large culet.
B. Flat pavilion angles.
C. A thick girdle.
#4 Flat pavilion angles cause…
A. loss of light through the bottom.
B. a large culet.
C. a dark center.
#5 Which component is not required to display a fisheye?
A. A large culet.
B. Flat pavilion angles.
C. Girdle reflection inside the table.
#6 Which characteristic would intensify the effect of a fisheye?
A. Deep pavilion angles.
B. A medium culet.
C. A large table.
#7 Which characteristic would intensify the appearance of a large culet?
A. A dark center.
B. A small table.
C. A flat pavilion.
#8 What could be added to a diamond to lessen the effect of a fisheye?
A. A faceted girdle.
B. Flatter angles to reduce the culet size.
C. A large table.
#9 If a fisheye is suspected but not obvious what can be done to confirm its presence?
A. Put it under 20x magnification.
B. Tilt the diamond slightly.
C. Measure the girdle thickness.
#1 One purpose of the table is to…
A. regulate the amount of light that enters the diamond.
B. reflect light inside the diamond.
C. display refraction.
#2 When a table is too small it causes less…
A. reflection.
B. dispersion.
C. light leakage.
#3 A larger table will make the ______ smaller.
A. diameter of the diamond
B. surrounding crown facets
C. girdle thickness
#4 It is possible for a diamond to fisheye with a very large table and ideal pavilion angles.
A. True
B. False
#5 By allowing the table to be smaller what positive impact would this have on the diamond’s beauty?
A. More possible area for light to enter into larger surrounding crown facets from diverse directions allowing more overall dispersion.
B. Less possible area for light to enter into larger surrounding crown facets from diverse directions allowing more overall dispersion.
C. None of the above.
#1 The table gauge is primarily used to…
A. measure the diameter of the diamond.
B. measure the diameter of the table.
C. measure the depth from the table to the culet.
#2 The table gauge is in increments of …
A. tenths of a inch.
B. tenths of a percentage.
C. tenths of a millimeter.
#3 Magnification is not necessary to use a table gauge.
A. True
B. False
#4 For the purpose of the table size it is measured from the…
A. middle of the star facets.
B. junctions of the star facets.
C. bottom of the star facets.
#5 How many possible measurements are there when using a table gauge?
A. Four
B. Eight
C. Two
#6 After recording the measurements in using your table gauge, which one of the following would you use in your calculation?
A. The average of all the measurements.
B. The smallest.
C. The largest.
#7 In addition to the table diameter, to acquire the table percentage you will also need the…
A. the depth measurement.
B. the girdle diameter.
C. pavilion angle.
#8 The girdle diameter is an average of…
A. two measurements ( the widest and narrowest).
B. three measurements ( the widest, middle and narrowest).
C. as many measurements as possible.
#9 Calculate the correct table percentage given the following data.
Table measurements: 3.16, 3.17, 3.155, 3.165
Outer diameter measurements: 5.45, 5.42, 5.39, 5.465
A. 57%
B. 58%
C. 59%
#10 The table percentage is always rounded to a whole number.
A. True
B. False
#11 If the result of your calculation of a table percentage was .534 it would be expressed as…
A. 55%
B. 54%
C. 53%
#12 If the result of your calculation of a table percentage was .625 it would be expressed as…
A. 62%
B. 63%
C. 65%
#13 Choose the illustration which is closest to a 53% table.
#1 The Table Percentage Ratio Method relies on your perception in comparing…
A. shapes.
B. distortions.
C. distances.
#2 The Table Percentage Ratio Method should never require magnification.
A. True
B. False
#3 In the Table Percentage Ratio Method the imaginary line is drawn from the…
A. culet to the center of the table.
B. center of the table to the girdle.
C. center of the table to the bottom of the star facet.
#4 In using the Table Percentage Ratio Method the imaginary line should divide a…
A. kite shape bezel facet.
B. star facet.
C. upper girdle facet.
#5 Once the imaginary line is drawn, where is it divided to use the Table Percentage Ratio Method?
A. The bottom of the star where it meets the upper girdle facets.
B. At the 50% mark.
C. The top of the star where it forms the table.
#6 In using the Table Percentage Ratio Method the easiest ratio to remember is 1:1 which corresponds to a…
A. 53% table
B. 54% table
C. 55% table
#7 In using the Table Percentage Ratio Method a 72% table would have a ratio of…
A. 1:1.25
B. 1:1.5
C. 1:2
#8 In using the Table Percentage Ratio Method an off-center culet should never have an effect on your judgment.
A. True
B. False
#1 The Table Percentage Bowing Method relies on…
A. properly cut star facets.
B. comparing distances.
C. a centered culet.
#2 In using the Table Percentage Bowing Method what shape or approximate shape are you looking for?
A. Octagon
B. Square
C. Hexagon
#3 In using the Table Percentage Bowing Method a 60% table with properly cut star facets creates a perfect…
A. Square
B. Octagon
C. Hexagon
#4 In using the Table Percentage Bowing Method with properly cut star facets, when the lines bow inward it is likely…
A. less than 60%
B. more than 60%
C. 54%
#5 In using the Table Percentage Bowing Method with properly cut star facets, when the lines bow outward it is likely…
A. less than 60%
B. more than 60%
C. 60%
#1 Where are the star facets located?
A. On top of the girdle.
B. Surrounding the culet.
C. Surrounding the table.
#2 An ideal star facet is…
A. an equilateral triangle.
B. an elongated triangle.
C. a short triangle.
#3 If the star facets are too long in using the Table Percentage Bowing Method, it will give a false estimation
of …
A. a smaller table.
B. a larger table.
C. neither.
#4 If the star facets are too short in using the Table Percentage Bowing Method it will give a false estimation of …
A. a smaller table.
B. a larger table.
C. neither.
#5 The ideal star facet should travel a little less than ________ down the crown.
A. half way
B. a third of the way
C. three-quarters of the way
#1 It is imperative to measure every table before a purchase is made regardless of value.
A. True
B. False
#2 It is possible to estimate table size with a 10x loupe.
A. True
B. False
#1 Which of the following set of characteristics would most likely cause eventual damage?
A. 30 degree crown angles, 39 degree pavilion angles, extremely thin girdle
B. 30 degree crown angles, 39 degree pavilion angles, medium girdle
C. 30 degree crown angles, 39 degree pavilion angles, thin to slightly thick girdle
#2 Which of the following girdle descriptions would most likely receive eventual damage?
A. Thin to Medium
B. Very Thin to Thin
C. Extremely Thin to Very Thick
#3 Which would be more important in protecting a diamond from damage?
A. The culet
B. The girdle
C. The stars
#4 In raising the crown and/or pavilion angles on a re-cut to create a better proportioned diamond, what characteristic would act in your favor for better weight retention?
A. A thin girdle
B. A medium girdle
C. A very thick girdle
#1 The girdle thickness is judged between which facets?
A. The bezel and pavilion mains.
B. The pavilion main and star facets.
C. The upper and lower girdle facets.
#2 Girdle thickness should be judged…
A. under 10x magnification.
B. with the naked eye.
C. under 20x magnification.
#3 Which girdle thickness term would be considered the most negative on a valuable diamond?
A. Very Thin
B. Slightly Thick
C. Very Thick
#4 Which girdle thickness term would be considered the most negative on a valuable diamond?
A. Thin to Medium
B. Thin to Slightly Thick
C. Extremely Thin to Medium
#5 Which girdle thickness term would be considered the most negative on a valuable diamond?
A. Extremely Thin to Slightly Thick
B. Extremely Thin to Thick
C. Very Thick to Extremely Thick
#6 What is another common term for an Extremely Thin Girdle?
A. Flat girdle.
B. Knife-edge girdle.
C. Chipped girdle.
#1 A thicker gray (bruted girdle) could potentially…
A. lower an “H” color to an “I” color.
B. raise a “J” color to an “I” color.
C. have no effect.
#2 It is preferable to leave a ________girdle on colorless and fancy color diamonds.
A. thick gray
B. faceted
C. very thick
#1 When referring to appearance, a bruted girdle is the same as…
A. a fancy shaped girdle.
B. a faceted girdle.
C. a gray girdle.
#2 The ideal finished gray girdle should be ________ in appearance.
A. faceted
B. shiny
C. waxy
#3 Burnishing is a ________ effect on the girdle without faceting.
A. polishing
B. bearding
C. roughing in
#1 A faceted girdle can be used to round up an out-of-round diamond.
A. True
B. False
#2 It is very uncommon to see thick faceted girdles on fancy shaped diamonds.
A. True
B. False
#3 A faceted girdle will add significant amounts of additional brilliance and dispersion to a well cut diamond.
A. True
B. False
#1 In addition to the protection that a girdle provides it is also important that it is…
A. Thick.
B. Very Thick.
C. attractive.
#1 How may upper and lower girdle facets are there combined?
A. 40
B. 24
C. 32
#2 What is another common term used for the upper and lower girdle facets?
A. Upper and lower halves.
B. Upper and lower stars.
C. Upper and lower mains.
#1 The upper and lower girdle facets add…
A. a higher refractive index.
B. more diversity in internal reflections.
C. nothing more than an attractive appearance.
#2 When the upper and lower girdle facets are cut correctly they add more brilliance to the diamond.
A. True
B. False
#1 The lower girdle facet’s height is judged between the…
A. upper girdle facet and the culet.
B. star and the culet.
C. girdle and the culet.
#2 Unusually short lower girdle facets would be indicative of…
A. an amateur diamond cutter.
B. a custom cut.
C. an older cut.
#3 The generally accepted range for the lower girdle facet height is…
A. 5/8 to ¾.
B. 40%-60%.
C. ¾ to 7/8.
#4 For the sake of visual appeal a smaller table would look better with…
A. longer lower girdle facets.
B. shorter lower girdle facets.
C. 70% lower girdle facets.
#5 For the sake of visual appeal a larger table would look better with…
A. longer lower girdle facets.
B. shorter lower girdle facets.
C. 90% lower girdle facets.
#6 With short lower girdle facets the diamond will be less brilliant.
A. True
B. False
#7 With high lower girdle facets the mains will appear too large.
A. True
B. False
#1 The upper girdle facets should be just over _______ in height.
A. 60%
B. 50%
C. 40%
#2 With proper upper girdle facet height, the bezel main facets will have a pleasing _______ shape.
A. diamond
B. square
C. kite
#3 On a well proportioned diamond with properly cut upper girdle facets, the stars should be…
A. easy to polish
B. just over 50% of the height.
C. an equilateral triangle.
#1 Brillianteering is the polishing of…
A. the last eight facets on a brilliant cut.
B. the stars, upper and lower girdle facets.
C. the pavilion mains and the lower girdle facets.
#2 In the polishing process the upper girdle facets are dug out of the girdle.
A. True
B. False
#3 A pasted upper (or lower) girdle facet leaves very little ______ from their adjoining main facets.
A. room
B. angle differentiation
C. height
#4 Pasted upper and lower girdle facets reduce the amount of brilliance present in the diamond.
A. True
B. False
#5 If a upper or lower girdle facet is pasted on it may…
A. be very obvious to the viewer.
B. be very difficult to detect its presence.
C. increase the overall brilliance in that area of the diamond.
#6 A girdle is scalloped if…
A. too many upper and lower girdle facets are pasted on.
B. it is Extremely Thin to Thin.
C. the upper and lower girdle facets are dug too deep into the girdle.
#1 Star facets add to the ______ of the diamond.
A. depth
B. brilliance
C. upper girdle facet height.
#2 With properly cut crown main facets the stars should form a perfect ______ shape for the table.
A. square.
B. octagon.
C. triangular.
#3 How many star facets are there on a round brilliant cut diamond?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
#4 If the star facets do not meet at the midpoints in the table it will cause the ______ to lack symmetry.
A. table
B. girdle
C. upper girdle facets
#5 If one or more stars are smashed in the table it will cause…
A. unnecessary depth.
B. unnecessary upper girdle facet height.
C. unnecessary shrinkage of the table.
#6 One reason why well cut stars are so important is that they are so very viewable.
A. True
B. False
#7 Cutting the stars off grain (not perpendicular) will cause fraying.
A. True
B. False