More Recent Advances (8.03)

More Recent Advances (8.03)

A company by the name of Tairus, (Thai and Russian joint venture) had moderate success with deep yellow to dark orange colors. Chatham Created Crystal (the manufacturer of Chatham Created Emerald) also continued to research with the Russian Academy of Sciences with limited success.

Ultimate Created Diamond Co. has now created and is marketing synthetic blue diamonds (known as type IIb), as well as marketing the earlier deep yellow to brownish orange synthetics (known as type Ib). The largest polished specimen at this writing is 0.63 carat. These diamonds exhibit a strikingly natural light blue to intense fancy blue color, since the trace element boron, responsible for the blue tint in natural diamonds, is also introduced into these synthetics (as was discussed earlier in the course) also making the process easier and faster.


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